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Hospitality Creativity Worship


Ash Vale Chapel is a Fresh Expression of Church. We believe in opening the doors to everyone, of all faiths or none, and sharing what we have with our neighbours locally nationally and globally. We offer Hospitality, Creativity and Worship. Why not come in and have a look?


Would you like to volunteer? Everyone has a talent! What's yours? Come and speak to us or contact the Project Manager on 07730 609446. 

No events at the moment

Chapel Mission Team

Rev. Neil Lambert

Vicar at St Mary's Ash Vale

& Chapel ManCo




Matt Weeks

Musician in Residence



Jono Retallick

Artist in Residence


Rev. Gina Hoff

HSB Methodist Circuit

& Chapel ManCo




Alex Sanderson

alex and lucy profile pic.jpg

Project Manager 

Chapel ManCo Treasurer





07730 609446

Debbie Retallick

Artist in Residence


Dan Weeks

Musician in Residence



Dr. Mike Rose


Poet in Residence

Maximiliano Alcazar is our Poet in Residence, who runs regular regular writing workshops, and occasional poetry competitions.

#Chapelpoetry #ChapelPoets


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