Chapel Kids baby and toddler group are back in the garden this term! We are doing a 6 week project creating a mini ‘food forest’. This week we decorated pots, planted Strawberries to take home, and planted some more at The Chapel. We also planted 2 mini apple trees for our ‘fruit snack’ in future years. It was such fun, and the grownups loved meeting up and chatting too.
#ChapelKids meets on Wednesdays at The Chapel. If you’d like more info or want to join us this term, we have some spaces left, call Alex on 07730 609446.
#FoodForestGardening is great for families with little time. Instead of planting only annuals that need lots of work, you can plant perennial plants that support each other and keep going year after year. Less work, more soil fertility, and better for the planet too. (There are lots of great resources online, if you look up permaculture gardening and food forests)
#ChapelKids #ForestGarden #FoodForest #Community #FamilyFun #FreshAir #EcoChurch #LoveWhereWeLive #AshVale