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Chapel Blog

Pool Party at Chapel Cafe

Did you know? The Chapel has a pool table! It has been hiding among the food parcel project boxes throughout Covid, but has finally now seen some action at Chapel Cafe on Monday.

First of all we owe a huge debt of thanks to Luke and his team from NWCLF who managed to move it. This is no mean feat - this table weighs a ton! These guys are amazing and have also been very busy recently helping to tame the Chapel Garden and more.

The Regulars at Chapel Cafe were delighted with the new addition and have already given it a whirl! New players always welcome.

Chapel Cafe is here every Monday in term time, 9:00-12:00 for cuppa, snacks, chat, board games... and now pool! See you soon at The Chapel, Wharf Rd, GU12 5AY. All welcome, no need to book.

The Chapel Project is only open for as long as it is funded. Please do help us to be here for generations to come. Donations link:

Thank you for your support.

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